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  • Writer's pictureKristin Noel

Workout Wednesday

The Bar Method Instagram

Welcome to Workout Wednesday! A series devoted to helping me hold myself accountable, start living a healthier lifestyle, & hopefully help all of you along the way! We can be workout newbies together. This series came about by accident. I saw a fellow blogger, and friend, was hosting an event that offered a free barre class! I needed to put myself out there more, I had taken a barre class before and enjoyed it, and it was in a city I love! What was there to really lose? I didn't know at the time how much there actually was to gain!

Now, this initial barre class had me hooked. It was at The Bar Method in baltimore, but there are numerous other locations if you aren't living in Maryland! The ladies there were super sweet, very knowledgeable, and crazy impressive. I remember walking up to the desk and the girl looked right at me and said "Kristin, right?" I know I had not linked any pictures anywhere and I was 95% positive I never said my name, but she knew it! I hadn't even signed in yet and they had me hooked. That level of hospitality and delightfulness is rare to find!

Okay, as always, I have gotten way off topic! I have been starting diets and stopping. Going to the gym consistently and then stopping. Taking a few classes here and there and then stopping. I have even joined a gym, cancelled my membership because I never used said gym, and then joined a different one a few months later. Which I currently no longer frequent. Are we seeing a pattern here? Please tell me I am not the only one! I have always been interested in becoming healthier, but there is so much information out there now that it is hard to find what works for me. Sometimes what works for some people doesn't always work for others. I know for a fact that I am a dessert lover. I have been told numerous times that cutting out sugars, sweets, and all the things I love so dearly is what will help me, but that is never going to happen. Snaps for you if you have that amazing willpower, but I certainly do not and never will.

I knew that I needed to start somewhere and exercise seemed the most obvious start. When Ashley, who can be found here, posted about this free barre class I knew this was at least a start! If I ended up hating it then I could easily go back to square one... as I had done so many times before. Insert eye roll emoji at myself. Well everyone, BIG ANNOUNCEMENT, I absolutely loved it! This was not just any barre class. This was a top notch, well thought out, well planned, and amazing barre class. Not only did I feel every bit of muscle strengthening that was happening, but I was being helped!

One of my main reasons for constantly stopping is that I have NO idea what I am doing! Is my form right? How many times am I supposed to be doing this? What exercises do I even do?! The ladies here didn't take the class with you, but stood back, observed, and corrected your movements and stance! That is what stood out to me the most! They pushed you to be better, but made sure you were getting the best workout in the safest way. It can be really damaging to you if you consistently do a workout incorrectly. THE POINT. I have found my workout. I enjoy it. I am committed to it. I feel amazing about it and I am excited to continue this series with all of you. Stay tuned for next weeks more in depth post about Barre and the benefits to you.

xoxo, Kristin Noel

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