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  • Writer's pictureKristin Noel

Boho bombshell

Thank god it is finally the weekend! This week has been a long one indeed. I sprained my ankle by falling off of a ladder. I had no idea that I sprained it and kept going on it for two days before I finally found out it was sprained. I had to spend all day Thursday laying around on the couch with my leg elevated and ice on it. If you haven't figured it out already, relaxation and downtime are not things I am good at. I enjoy always having something to do. I enjoy being super productive, and I definitely enjoy being able to create new content for y'all daily! So, lets get to this post!

If you have not discovered the StyleBook app yet then your life is about to be forever changed. StyelBook is an app that organizes your closet for you, creates looks using the clothes from your closet, and helps you when you are packing for a trip. This app literally does so much for you with the clothes straight from your closet. The first step to mastering StyleBook is to upload your closet onto the app. It is the simplest process, but can be time-consuming. You want to make sure that when you take pictures of your clothes you do so with with a plain background.

After your clothes are uploaded to your closet you can start the real fun. Your StyleBook closet will generate looks for you based off of different occasions; day, work, evening, formal, vacation, etc. These looks can be used for the occasions, or you can use the calendar and plan out your outfits for the month ahead of time. Do you have any idea how much time that will save us women when getting ready in the morning?!? Half the reason I am late everywhere I go is because I can never find an outfit to wear!

Aside from all of the features that help you personally design your perfect wardrobe, there are simple features that enhance your closet. You can add items to a wish list through the shop feature, or you can create inspiration folders based off of things you find online, through other blogs, online shopping, and countless other places. The inspiration pages help your closet generate looks similar to the pictures you have saved using the stuff already in your closet! It also tracks similar pieces at more affordable prices! That part of the app simply blew my mind because I am a shopaholic. Have you ever seen the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic with Isla Fisher?? That is basically a movie about my life. (They also picked a good actress to play me because we look alike.)

The StyleBook app has seriously changed my life in so many ways, but the main one being that it has made me see my closet in a different way and appreciate pieces I already have. It has also made my bi annual closet cleaning really easy because it also gives you statistics based off of the clothes you wear consistently and clothes you never wear at all. It has made my morning routine much faster, and has helped me define my style more clearly. It also picked out this outfit for me! This floral yellow maxi dress is by Jessica Simpson. I couldn't find it online for y'all, but it is being sold in many different sizes on Poshmark. The purple hat is from Target Style, and the sunglasses are still full price at ALDO Shoes!

A special shoutout to Tommy Gatz Entertainment for perfectly nailing the vibe of this shoot that I wanted so badly. I respect all of the hardwork you put into your business, as well as the hard work you put into helping me. Check out his website and force him into helping you too!

So, now that you are all done reading this post and have checked out Tommy's website, then it is time for you to download StyleBook and get started on simplifying your life. Message me any questions you may have and I would be happy to help!

xoxo, Kristin Noel

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